Happy Thanksgiving, Guys!
Yeah, Guys! I’m celebrating Thanksgiving this year – just like you!

King Alfred Ponders the Great Meaning of Thanksgiving in His Favorite Place: His Moms' Bed
I mean I have a lot to celebrate and to be thankful for. First, I’m thankful I made it safely to the States this year from Equatorial Guinea. Some of you know last year, I got left behind in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia when I made my first trip over here. Ethiopian Airlines forgot to put me on my connecting flight… Second, I’m thankful for living in one house since April. Yeah, Moms does lug me around a lot. But, at least I have one house: the Family Homestead. Since I came on with Moms and became her cat in October 2009 back in Kigali, I’ve lived in 3 countries and 4 houses, including hotel rooms. Now, I’m pretty stable. At least for right now. Third, I’m thankful for not dying. Last year, I almost died from an overdose of anesthesia when I was neutered and some other bad things happened to me I haven’t told you guys about just yet. This year my Moms almost killed me with an over powering flea collar; I also got stung by a bee and had an allergic reaction. Then there was the time I had a bad reaction to the fumes from the tub refinishing project my Moms embarked on. So, I’m really thankful for my life and just to be here sharing my blog with you guys.
But, guys, what I’m most thankful for this year is My Moms. Yes, that’s right – My Moms. Without her my little cat life wouldn’t be possible.
Happy Thanksgiving, Guys!
Be grateful and thankful for all and everyone that you have!