King Alfred Eats Pine Needles
Hi Guys,
Ever munch on pine needles…? Yeah.. the brown things that fall off of pine trees? You know. They’re all over the ground this time of the year. Moms tracks them into the house on her shoes, and I like to eat them. I can’t get enough of them.
“Alfred! Alfred!”
Uh oh, guys. That’s Moms callin’ me. She must know that I’m eating pine needles again. She tries to keep me away from them. But, they’re my favorite. And, it’s not my fault she drags them into the house when she doesn’t even know it.
“Alfred, are you eating pine needles again!?!” Moms asked, going hysterical. “Boy! How many times do I have to tell you not eat those pine needles?! Didn’t you choke and cough some up last night all over the bedroom floor?! Didn’t I have to get out of bed at 3 am last night because you were making a whole lot of noise heaving up those pine needles that you know you can’t digest?!”

Pine Trees on the Homestead
Geesh… Moms can be so embarassing. Does she have to go into all the details and get so graphic.
Sorry, Guys… Gotta go! Moms is going beserk.
And, you guys know how the King…
likes to keep it movin’!