Hi Guys!
It’s me. Alfred. KING Alfred.
Sorry, I didn’t write last week. I was super stressed out. Moms went to NYC for a week and left me with a cat sitter. It has taken me like 3 days to get over the stress and trauma.
So, there I was: Playing at the homestead house in rural North Carolina with my Moms. And then, I hear someone coming up to the house. Of course, I took off to hide in the pantry for safety! I don’t like strangers on my territory… even women whom I not afraid of like I am of men.
“Alfred, come say hello to Ms. E. She’s going to be your cat sitter while I’m away in New York City with Grandmoms at the ballet,” Moms cooed.
“W-H-A-T!!!” My Moms is leaving me?!?!. And I’m going to get a cat sitter!!? No way!
I hid big time. There was no way I was coming out.
“Alfred…. Oh, Alfred… Please come out… You’re such a pretty, beautiful cat,” this so-called cat sitter purred. But, I’m no fool. There was no way I was coming out.”
Finally, the woman left. And I had my Moms all to myself. Later in the evening, Moms was working on her computer, and I was in her lap, thinking the whole situation over. Knowing that my Moms was going to leave me was really stressing me out.
Suddenly, I don’t know what came over me… But, I leaned over and took a big bite out of my Moms’ leg. Ohh. ohh.. I was in big trouble now. I had made a really big mistake.
“Oh Alfred…” Moms said so softly and gently.
I was surprised at her reaction. I thought for sure she was going to slap me upside my head and yell “Boy! What has gotten into you?! Up here biting your Moms like that…! Have you lost your mind?!”
But, my Moms picked me up and held me in her arms. And, I didn’t run off. I let her cradle me.
“I know that you know that I’m going away. But, I promise I’ll be back. I won’t abandon you. I know you have separation anxeity issues, especially after what happened to you in Rwanda and Equatorial Guinea. But, remember your Moms will always come back and be there for you, ” Moms explained in her very, very gentle voice.
Well… that sounded fine at the time. But, I realized I was going into massive uncertain territory.
The next day Moms left. She explained to me in her serious human voice that I was to be good and not be a trouble to Ms. E, the cat sitter. Moms also told me that she would call me on the phone and talk to me like she did when we were in Rwanda and Equatorial Guinea and she left for the States or Tanzania.
Yeah. Right. I was so sad. Guys, ever have your parents leave you? Abandon you? It’s awful, guys. Just awful.

Moms and Grandmoms see Mariinsky Ballet's "Symphony in C"
The second day around noon that cat sitter woman came by. Do you think I came out…?
“Oh, Alfred… Oh, Alfred…” She cried. “Come out here you pretty little cat. You’re such a handsome boy.” She tried to mimick Moms’ voice. But, I’m no fool. I knew it wasn’t my Moms. I stayed silent. She put food out. Changed my litter (you know that’s right!!) and left.
I came out and ate.
The third day the cat sitter lady came by again. She was stupid enough to put her head in my Kingdom, the PANTRY. And, I hissed and growled at her.

King Alfred in his Kingdom: THE PANTRY
Then, I decided to speak to her.
“Listen, Lady… Like where’s my Moms…? When is she coming back? Like I need attention and affection. And I’m not giving you any. I don’t trust you…”
“Oh, Alfred… I’m not going to hurt you. I know you’re going to hiss and growl at me, and that doesn’t bother me at all. I’m going to be so sweet and nice to you until you have to start liking me. Now, I’m going to put out your food and change your litter and sit a while in the living room to see if you want to come out and say ‘hello.'”
“Oh, yeah… Like I’m going to come out and say hello,” I thought to myself. “Do I know you? Are you one of my Aunties? NO!!! You’re just a cat sitter!! And, I don’t trust you!!”
But, guys… ever been really lonely? Like really, really lonely…?? And you just can’t bear not to have someone lovin’ you and carressing you…? It’s just awful. And, that’s how I felt. I was missing Moms something terrible.
On the fourth day, the cat sitter lady came by, and after she put out my food and changed my litter she called my Moms on our phone.
“Hi Dee. I’m calling you from your home to let you know how Alfred is doing.”
“Oh! I’m so glad you called. How is Alfred?! How is my Little Man?” Moms sounded so worried. I knew that Cat Sitter Lady was on the phone with Moms, and I wanted so badly for someone to give me attention that I came out of my Kingdom the Pantry and sat by the entry of the living room.
“Dee, he is such a beautiful cat! But, he doens’t trust me and just sits in the pantry and hisses and growls at me,” Ms. E explained.
“But wait, Dee! Look! Here’s Alfred! He has come out of the pantry, and is in the doorway. What a beautiful cat he is!”
“Let me talk to him!” Moms cried. “Put the phone by his little cat head.”
“Okay, I’ll try.” Ms. E got up and came towards me stretching out the phone.
“Alfred… Alfred… Alfred… Are you there? How you doin’ Little Man? Are you okay? Are you afraid? Now be nice to Ms. E and everything will be okay. I’ll be back home soon. Don’t worry,” Moms cooed ever so softly and lovingly. I didn’t hear what she was talking about. But, I just knew my Moms was on the phone and that made me happy just knowing that she hadn’t gone off and forgotten me.
“Dee, I don’t think he can hear you. But, at least he’s coming out. He’s getting better.”
The next day when the cat sitter lady came I came out by the door and greeted her. She gave me food and I played in the living room on Moms’ antique Persian rug for a while. The lady was really happy. Really happy. And, although I really missed my Moms I started liking Ms. E. She was patient and nice with me. And, Ms. E really wanted me to be okay.
Finally, seven nights after my Moms had left, my Moms came back. I was there by the door waiting to greet her. I was so happy, guys. You can’t imagine the feeling. It’s like nothing in the world. To think you have been abandoned by the only person in the world you truly love just to have that person return. It’s wonderful.
Guys, I can take all the terrible things my Moms does to me like flick water on me after she washes her hands (Does your Moms do that to you?), give me Cat Valium before we travel or even put me the car to go places like Aunty J’s house, the vet, the airport or some new house. But, I can’t take it when my Moms leaves. I just can’t. It’s just awful.
I’m so glad she’s back. I purr and purr and purr. I sleep cuddled up in her arms, around her legs and purr so loudly that she can’t sleep.
Here’s a picture of me happy my Moms is back.

Me in one of my favorite places in the world: Moms' Bed
So, guys. Tell me about what happens when your Moms leaves. What do you do…?? Do you have any suggested coping mechanisms for me? Like you know, I have separation anxeity issues. But, I’m really working on it.