King Alfred Kills Moms' Flower
Hi Guys!
Alfred here. KING Alfred. Yeah… as you can see, I tore up Moms’ flowers. I mean it’s late, and she’s not home yet. I’m bored, so I had to find something to do. It serves her right for leaving me here by myself for so long. Right??! Guys, you are on my side, aren’t you?
I dug the dirt from the flowers on to the floor because I like to roll around in dirt. And, Moms doesn’t let me go outside. So, what’s a cat to do? I mean I do roll around in my cat litter. I kick it out of my litter box and then roll in it. Moms likes this because it makes me smell good. But, I don’t think she’s going to like cleaning up this mess with dirt I created…
Uh ohh.. Gotta go, guys. I hear Moms coming home and I’m going to get into trouble!
Always a King even when rolling around in the dirt