Hi Guys!
So, I survived the 8-hour car trip to the Big Apple. Actually, my Moms and I are living in Jersey – not New York. We have a small floor on the top floor of my Auntie B’s house. She and her family came to visit my Moms and me at the homestead in September and now my Moms and me are staying with her.
Guys, check out my new digs! What do you think? I’m like lovin’ the bigger bed and nifty sheets.
I was so shell shocked by the ride and cat valium I didn’t speak a word for 2 days. I didn’t even poop for 2 days.
“Alfred, are you okay, my little man,” Moms cooed to me, trying to bring me to my senses. I didn’t know what to say.
“You don’t talk. You don’t go to the bathroom. What am I going to do with you?”
Guys… it’s going to take me a few days to get back to normal. But, I think I’ll make it.
Check in with me in a few days and I’ll let you know how it’s goin’!