Hi Guys,
It’s me the King.
I thought it was time for me to tell you a little more about my new townhouse – the Hyattsville place. Guys, you know Moms and I moved out of our DC Townhome back in January. It was a big shock for me. It’s been a real adjustment.
I have to become KING all over again. You know – conquer all the rooms and places and let people who dare enter the place know I’m the King.
It’s a big place, guys, and I don’t have it all down pat. I’m workin’ on it.
But, I know that I’m responsible for not letting anyone get too comfortable in our new townhome and for keeping Moms in line.
Moms and I share her master bedroom bathroom so I won’t mess up the other bathrooms. I have my own bedroom but my Moms wants me to use my litter box in her bathroom. I don’t know why. I mean I’m not that messy.
In Moms’ bathroom, Moms and I both have our own sinks.
Moms’ sink has all the fancy, nice stuff. Look at my sink. It’s all boring and sad. It doesn’t have any nice smellin’ soap like Moms’. I don’t have a toothbrush or nothin’. That’s not fair, guys. I want my sink to look nice, too. I need soap, too.
Moms is rethinking having my litter box in her bathroom ’cause it takes up a lot of room.
But, I like going to the bathroom in the same place as my Moms. Well.. actually, sometimes I don’t like it ’cause she’s always watching me and I’m too old to be watched all the time.
Any way, guys, I’m workin’ on all this. I am the King of our Hyattsville place. I just need more practice and time so I can get the King thing right.