Guys! Guys! Guys!
Guess what! I’m off to the Big Apple?!
I know… You’re asking, “King, how did this all happen?”
Well, there I was on Valetine’s Day counting all the ways I loved my Moms. I was basking in pure love for the day. In pure love for my Moms. I was pretty proud of myself for thinking up the clever and beautiful Valentine I made.
Then all of a sudden my Moms came out of no where and slipped me a cat valium. I swallowed it, not expecting it to be a tranquillizer but a treat for my Valentine genius. Then Moms loaded up the car while I hid under the bed. The last item to go into the car was me…in my black carrying case.
In 30 minutes, the cat valium hit me, and I went blank. My eyes rolled back.
“Alfred! Alfred! Are you okay? You look like you’re dying!” Moms cried. I couldn’t respond. I didn’t feel so good. “Alfred, I’m going to pull over and call Banfield Pet Hospital, Rocky Mount before we get too far down the highway. You look awful. Like you’re going to die!”
Moms called the pet hospital and they reassured her that I was fine and it was perfectly normal for me to pass out in my carrying case. She only had to worry if I started gasping for breath or twitching.
So, Guys… I slept the whole way to the Big Apple. Moms kept checking on me to make sure I didn’t start twitching or gasping for breath.
But, I didn’t utter a word. That’s right. Not a peep. No meowing, no whining, no yowling, or whimpering. Not a word from the King. Occasionally, I would pant – a sign of destress in cats. But, this is different from gasping for breath. But, Moms would still go bezerk with worry. But, for the most part my Moms and I had a quiet and peaceful trip to NYC.
So, Moms and I are off on another adventure. I hope you’ll join us.
This time in the Big Apple!