It’s me! Alfred. KING Alfred.
Did you forget about me over these last weeks? I haven’t forgotten about you… my loyal fans.
Guys, it’s been like so hard these 2 months.
After I had my very first birthday party ever, my Moms and I were working on gettin’ my gifts to work and all and I just didn’t get a chance to write.
Then there was Halloween and I had a meltdown because my Moms’ wouldn’t let me go out trick or treatin’. Can you believe it?! She said I had to stay home to scare off the kids from comin’ up on our porch. I guess I shouldn’t complain because the dog next door had to wear a costume. At least my Moms didn’t dress me up or anything.
Then my Moms went off to Angola and left me with a cat sittin’ lady who lives in our basement. She’s a friend of Auntie Rae’s. But, I’m not likin’ her. So, I had a meltdown while my Moms was overseas. I like didn’t let the cat sittin’ lady come near me or in my Moms’ room.
That’s right! I didn’t let Miss Tiarra in any room where I was. So, if I was in the kitchen, she had to wait until I finished eatin’ my food and drinkin’ my water before she could use the kitchen… Or, else I charged at her hissin’ Yeah! You know that’s right!
Any way, guys… You know why I’m writin’? This is Thanksgiving! Okay, the day passed and I didn’t get to go out for Black Friday again like what happened back in 2011; I’m not going to mention that. I’m just going to talk about what I’m grateful for. Guys, you know what I’m most grateful for this year…?
It has been more than I year that I’ve been livin’ in the DC Townhouse and I haven’t ever left!
Yep! That’s right!
On, October 9th, I moved into our DC Townhouse and I haven’t gone outside once. Not once. Can you believe it?! After my Moms got me in Rwanda, then took me to the US where I got left in Ethiopia when I missed my connecting flight, then stayed in several houses in North Carolina and Washington, DC, including my Auntie Jacky’s house and went to Equatorial Guinea after that. In Malabo, I had like this horrible Christmas when my Moms left me at this mean lady’s house but luckily my Auntie Martina took care of me and then later my Moms and I came back to the US of A and we stayed on the family homestead, then moved to New Jersey and afterwards to Durham, with me going back and forth from Durham to the farm. And, now, guys, finally…finally, I’ve had a whole year where I’ve been in one place – not even a vet visit after some bad accident like getting poisoned or stung by a bee that happened to me over my 4 cat years of life.
So, this year, I’m grateful for never having to leave my beautiful new home in the DC Townhouse. And, I guess I’m also grateful all the Aunties who’ve taken care of me this year while my Moms’ was away – even the one I bit .
And, of course, I’m always grateful for my Moms! She continues to keep me as her cat even though I’m not perfect!
Happy Thanksgiving, Guys!